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  • Become a Moonshiner: Making your first batch of shine


Become a Moonshiner: Making your first batch of shine



Moonshine 101

13 Lessons

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About Become a Moonshiner: Making your first batch of shine

Become a moonshiner: Making Your First Batch of Shine

Hi there,

This course is specifically geared to the person who is interested in home distilling and making their own spirits at home. If that is you I think you'll find this course to be very valuable.

One of the best things about this course is the Moonshiners Academy Support Space. The Support Space is a video/audio/text based help center so you can get 1-on-1 help in real time while your making your mash or running your still.

In module 1, I will give you the 3 questions to ask yourself in order to be able to know exactly what kind of still to buy, and what other equipment and tools you'll need for your new hobby.

In module 2, I will walk you through the recipe and ingredients for this course. We will make our mash together and prepare our sacrificial wash. I will also go over some critical information about yeast for better fermentations.

In module 3, is all about preparing your still for the run. This includes the vinegar run and the sacrificial run.

Module 4 is the distillation section where we go over safety, distilling your spirits, and exactly how to make your cuts.

In module 5, I teach you exactly how choose what cuts to keep, how to blend them and how to proof them to your specific tastes.

So, jump in with us and make your first batch of shine.

Module Content

Audio lesson

In this lesson, you will learn the important things to consider so you can easily decide what kind of still to get.

Audio lesson

There are different ways to ferment and you can use different types of fermenters. It's also pretty easy to build your own fermenter for fairly cheap. This lesson will help you decide what kind of fermenter is best for you and if you should build one or buy one.

Video lesson

In this lesson, mI will go over the 5 tools you need as a beginner to get started in home distilling. I include a reference list for where you can find these tools.

Video lesson

It is important to take notes on your recipes, ferments, and runs. In this lesson, I share the idea of the distillers notebook, and how to use it. I also provide printable PDF downloads for the worksheet pages and formula pages for the notebook.

Video lesson

In this lesson I go over why I use the SSBR to teach people through their first run. What makes this recipe a great beginner recipe? I'll also show you how you can modify this recipe as you gain experience, to be a sour mash recipe or even an all-grain recipe. We will go over the ingredients needed and where you can get them.

Video lesson

How to make the sugar wash that will be used for the sacrificial run

Video lesson

This is the day we've been waiting for. The day we make our first mash. We get to really feel the reward for all our investment and study.

Audio lesson

In this lesson, we will be going over the important variables to keep an eye on in the fermentation process. If we keep the variables within happy ranges for the yeast the we will get a good fermentation.

Video lesson

Full-Course The vinegar run

How and why to make a vinegar run

Video lesson

Full-Course The sacrificial run

How to do a sac run so your still is clean and ready to go.

2 Lessons

Audio lesson

Full-Course Safety

A few safety tips before we really get rolling.

Video lesson

Finally, we run our batch of Super Simple Beginners mash. This lesson also covers making your cuts.

Video lesson

Learn how to blend and proof so you can start to develop your finale spirits.

About the Instructor

No Author Description

  • I haven’t finished the coarse but have tried the sweet feed super simple beginner kit and got great results for the first time ever mashing and running. No one that tasted it could believe that was my first time!

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